Fast Track Cities

The Sexual Health Centre hosts Cork’s Fast Track Cities Project. This project is an alliance of people living with HIV, health and community services, and Cork City Council who want to do more to improve the availability and quality of treatment and community support, and to end stigma. This is part of a global initiative, and is linked up with similar projects in Limerick, Galway in Dublin. By 2030, we plan to

1.      End stigma through:

  • Creative projects to address self stigma, and to promote U=U and "Positive Life" messages

  • Research partnerships and representation to remove barriers to testing and care

  • Advocacy, mentoring and capacity building to develop meaningful leadership of PLWHA

  • Educate and provide up to date information for health professionals


2.      End new HIV infections through:

  • Improvement to the availability and appropriateness of education materials

  • Delivery of HIV awareness and prevention campaigns

  • Adaptions of successful initiatives for specific groups of people

  • Advocacy and representation to remove barriers to prevention and testing

  • Regular HIV knowledge updates for professionals


3.      Support all people living with HIV to achieve viral suppression through:

  • Supporting peer navigators: with training, supervision and mentoring

  • Creating new linkages between clinical services and community support

  • Improving HIV clinic infrastructure and flexibility in access to care: physical infrastructure and access to interpreters and translated materials.

  • Create pathways to re-engage clients in care: national advocacy for more sites for opt-out testing.


4: Positive life for people living with HIV to 2030 and beyond through

  • Prevention of co-morbidities: structured, time limited program (Diet, coping, disclosure, rights) for PLHIV and their supporters

  • Development of resources for patient-centred care and the management of co-morbidities

  • More and diverse community supports to improve quality of life - including women’s group, over 65s, family members